March 2021 end with a load of positive note. We never sold this much products on our website.
As I said earlier, we now have the largest scrunchie collection online in India, and it is growing continuously. We don't know other private website stats, but we sold a large number of scrunchies this march (I am not disclosing the number).
How we achieve this feet despite having our known shortcoming. Our shortcomings are listed below:
- We don't have a great design of our website (though the navigation is very simple and it is easy to access anything from the navigation menu)
- We don't have a great experience in making scrunchies (we started making scrunchies only during lockdown)
- We do not offer COD (Cash on Delivery), which is a popular method of payments in India. (Check here why we don't provide COD).
- We have a very small team. (Though the team is very efficient)
- We don't have great budget for advertising. (We are bootstrapped started with a very small saving).
How do we overcome these shortcoming.
We make the things very simple. We divide our website into very simple sections. Though not very great design, but usable at its best.
We experimented in making scrunchie until we found our perfect scrunchie. Though perfect scrunchie does not exist. For me, a large scrunchie with soft elastic is my perfect scrunchie, while for someone a scrunchie with hard elastic may be perfect.
We listen to feedback very carefully, interact with each customer who is willing to engage with us. Never deny a customer its right to ask question. Also we took all feedbacks positively and take care that the mistake will not be repeated again.
One of our customer complains about stitches on the scrunchies and believe us after that incident, we check each and every product two times before shipping to our customers.
Though we are not offering Cash on Delivery, but we provide free shipping for orders above 149 Rs. Though we are not saving almost anything from 149 Rs. orders, but it is very useful for us to acquire new customer. We give our best to provide a good shopping experience to our customer. Due to this, a good number of our customers are repeat customers.
Other plus point of us is communication. We are present almost all available channels and never let any query unanswered.
And believe me it counts a lot. Our users love us for our responsiveness. We are always polite, never turned down a customer's request. If someone need some customization, we done it.
We are getting what we are giving. We love our customers and getting a load of love in return. This is the fourth consecutive month in which we exceeds our targets.
Thanks you all for this much love.